The Most Unique and Unusual Business Holiday Gifts Ever!

For your clients ages 6+, this DIY business card holder could be the ideal gift!
For your clients ages 6+, this DIY business card holder could be the ideal gift!

Yes, it’s that time of year again – the double-edged holiday season. We encourage each other to do good corporate deeds from a giving perspective, but let’s be honest: people enjoy receiving presents. And perhaps, your budget is large enough to allow you to simultaneously donate to a worthy nonprofit and dispense client/customer expressions of affection.

But if you’re going a gifting this year, you might as well make it count (just like Jack Dawson did when he palmed his note into Rose’s hand a night or two before the Titanic sank). Forget popcorn tins, candy towers, and fruit baskets. This year, be memorable forevermore by giving unique and unusual corporate gifts. (Please note: By All Writes isn’t responsible for client/customer reaction to your largesse…objects in mirror are closer than they appear…results may vary.)

This One Is so Uncommonly Good, You’ll Bookmark and Use It Regularly: Let me kvell for a moment by saying that the people responsible for Uncommon Goods LLC had me at Mobile Foodie Survival Kit. You will not believe the creativity available in gift form, for $25 or less, via this website!

It’s obvious the merchandise buyers for this Brooklyn, NY, company put in long hours scouring the country and the world for intriguing, one-of-a-kind gifts your recipients will treasure. For your “way cool” clients who revel in being different, start with the Hipster Gifts. Personally, I would love to receive the Grenade Micro Bud Vase either this year or next…

Your IT, Digital, and Other Clients Will Remember the ThinkGeek Gift You Send: The offerings at target a more technical niche and are perfect for your clients who swipe, text, and post all things digital. You will enjoy exploring the site for nerdy science toys as well as licensed/themed gifts: Star Wars, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Minecraft, The Big Bang Theory, and more.

An eclectic gift you won’t find anywhere else (or so my ThinkGeek peeps say) is the Despair, Inc. 2014 Custom Calendar. ThinkGeek claims it’s “The perfect calendar for rocket scientists and burger flippers.” I couldn’t have written this tempting item’s precocious headline any better! Each month highlights what the good people at Despair, Inc. call a “Demotivator,” and the calendar is stuffed with plenty of “important dates in geek history.” Gee, now I’m thinking I should order one for myself…

A LEGO Desk Business Card Holder Is the Ultimate Client “Thank-You”: You’ve seen the mesmerizing photo in my blog post – now check out this LEGO building set for actual purchase. (Please note: The LEGO company isn’t compensating me to suggest this suitable-for-building business gift. But given the cumulative cash I’ve spent on mold-injected plastic blocks in a box since 2008, they should.)

Oh dear, perhaps your budget doesn’t stretch far enough to send a LEGO Desk Business Card Holder to each client or customer. Well then, if you have a child in the home who builds with LEGO blocks, you’re in luck.

For a small fee (e.g., perhaps a long-desired, reasonably priced LEGO set for Christmas?), ask your clever kid to create custom business card holders as this year’s corporate gift. Before shipping those bursts of built creativity on their way, be sure to sticker them with your company logo.

My son started building business card holders out of LEGO blocks when he was 8 years old, but he’s moved on to other projects (like this year’s Hanukkah present – the Tower Bridge set – all 4,295 pieces of it) since then.

Swing on the Monkey Bars at the Office Playground: This website claims to offer the “World’s Best Selection of Office Toys,” and I’m likely to believe it. How can you go wrong with an executive/office/desk toy company offering baubles for under $2 (each) that won’t spoil or perish in transit? One item that really caught my attention was the (femur) bone pen on the “Top Sellers” page.

Peruse this entertaining site if you’re still on the hunt for client gifts. Just be sure to check out the assorted Galileo Thermometers before you go. Do you have one of these? I sure don’t. Yes, it’s a bit more costly than other tchotchkes, but I doubt your best clients will receive anything else like it before 2013 comes to a screeching halt.

Pluck Something from the GiftTree for your C-Level and Corner Office Clients: This site isn’t quite as atypical as my other business gift-giving suggestions. However, there are some lovely gems among the usual suspects. Certain items are quite expensive, like the Crustacean Sensation Lobster & Crab Dinner. (If you decide to send a very special client this gift, please refer me to them for all their outsourced copywriting needs – thank you.)

And yet, GiftTree manages to surprise with more reasonable offerings: see the Bamboo Dominoes Corporate Gift Set, the Monkey Business Wine Gift, and the Cubebot. Thank goodness the only cost to you when window shopping online is your time…


If you’ve already selected a holiday gift for your client/customer base, what did you select and why? Do you gravitate toward digestible corporate gifts, or are any of my non-edible suggestions actually setting off an alarm inside your head? We’re all friends here, so please leave a helpful website or gift recommendation before your eyeballs wander elsewhere. Merry business gift shopping – happy corporate trails to you!

Lori Shapiro is the owner of By All Writes LLC, a business-to-business (B2B) writing, editing, and research company in Marlton, New Jersey. She revels in shielding her clients from the pain of writing their own print and web marketing copy. Call her (856-810-9764) or email her ( for a no-obligation project quote today!

2 Responses to The Most Unique and Unusual Business Holiday Gifts Ever!

    • Hi Deb,

      Thanks for stopping by! Yes, the LEGO business card holder is a must if you have a LEGO junior “master builder” in the home. Talk/see you soon in 2014 :-).
