Am I the only business blogger stumbling her way through Twitter’s debris field of canned and bagged hash, also known as hashtags? I’ve blogged about the functional use of Twitter hashtags in previous posts. This is my first attempt at focusing on hashtags specific to a unified group of digital citizens: bloggers.
If you’re a blogger (or even a wanna-be), some of these hashtags might help boost your “viral juice” on Twitter when promoting a post. Other hashtags organize tips that are meant to help you become a better blogger. This overview includes the hashtags I use weekly (or that I’m currently experimenting with) on Twitter when promoting my own blog posts.
I promise there will be subsequent blog posts featuring hashtags for other industries and professions. Just leave me a clue at the scene of the commentary crime so I know what y’all want me to research for the next entry in this new series…
My #MondayBlogs Tweeps Are the Best D@mn Tweeters I Know: It feels like forever, but I’ve only been blogging since March 2012. I can say with confidence that my awareness and use of #MondayBlogs on Twitter skyrocketed within the past year.
An author named Rachel Thompson created this blogger-friendly hashtag. She manages it as @MondayBlogs (but she also goes by @RachelintheOC and @BadRedheadMedia). The premise of #MondayBlogs is simple.
Every Monday, as long as you aren’t blatantly advertising a book (for sale), you can promote a recent or pickled-in-brine blog post on Twitter. As you re-tweet and share other #MondayBlogs amigos’ tweets, these delightful people will do the same for you–but only on Mondays!
Some of my favorite #MondayBlogs friends include @StephNeighbour, @pinkmenotmom, @yuribeans, @GregMischio, @judypost, and @Rosengeranium.
The #WWWBlogs Hashtag Is for Women Only (On Wednesdays): The #wwwblogs hashtag is a more recent find. I believe I stumbled upon it via two lovely bloggers and authors named Paula Nancarrow (@prnancarrow) and Lori Schafer (@LoriLSchafer).
The weekly #wwwblogs hashtag is geared toward helping female bloggers gain some viral traction on Twitter each Wednesday. This hashtag is managed under the auspices of @Womenwriterblog, which in turn is run by @WomenWriters and @chicaderock.
Per the one-sentence guideline via the @Womenwriterblog account: “Tweet your latest blog post on a Wednesday using the #wwwblogs hashtag.” Some of the people who treat me right on #wwwblogs include @prnancarrow, @LoriLSchafer, @katespencer17, @AustinDetails, and @TerryTyler4.
In Case You Missed It–There’s a Hashtag for That, and It’s #ICYMI: This particular hashtag isn’t specific to bloggers. But since it’s a recent discovery for me, I’m beside myself with glee at the thought of sharing it with you.
Per an article on
“Often used by news outlets, pundits and other luminaries on Twitter, ICYMI is often peppered in to make a reference to a piece of media that has already published or is otherwise not as fresh as it once was. It’s also used to highlight an important news peg or fact that could have been buried in a news feed.”
I tried tracking down WHO actually created the #ICYMI hashtag, but failed spectacularly! If you happen to know who the source is for this hashtag, please leave a comment below…
Find Tips for Improving the Guts of Your Blog via #SavvyBlogging: This one isn’t a purely promotional hashtag when re-tweeting a blog post. Instead, it’s used to denote that you’re sharing (or looking for) useful tips regarding how to improve one’s blog and make it more “sticky.”
The #savvyblogging hashtag doesn’t appear to be a Twitter chat. (Honestly, I’m at a loss regarding who started it.) Think of #savvyblogging as the gateway to a wide range of blogging tips, advice, and earnest warnings from fellow bloggers.
You’ll Learn How Best to Promote and Submit Your Posts with #BlogPromotion: This is a great hashtag that, when used properly, will reveal many useful tips regarding how to promote your blog and individual posts on social media. What’s so satisfying is that the tips aren’t limited to promotion on Twitter.
As I was drafting this blog post (on a beyond-frigid January day), I found tips (via #blogpromotion) for submitting a blog and/or promoting blog posts on StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Reddit, and more.
Sure, there are digital marketers lurking via the #blogpromotion hashtag who want to sell you their services (in your quest to gain traction and viral love for your blog), but “fair is fair.” You don’t have to click on their links unless you want to. Happy blog-promotion hunting!
Women Business Owners Rule on #BizChickChat: This hashtag connects a community of female business owners who help each other by sharing blog posts and tips or publicizing educational webinars about blogging.
The curator of the #BizChickChat hashtag is Mia (aka @bizchickblogs). She also runs the website, where the rules for proper hashtag use are posted for your reading pleasure. As long as your Twitter feed isn’t too risque, spammy or promotional, you’ll be welcomed into the bizchickchatter clan!
So as not to leave any guy bloggers feeling a bit despondent and cast out from the circle of blogging love, I did find a hashtag especially for you: #malebloggers. Enjoy it, manly men (bloggers)!
#MiscellaneousBlogTips & #BloggingTips–a Hashtag Marriage Made in Twitter Heaven: These two hashtags are a bit more general than most of the ones I’ve described so far, but that doesn’t mean they are less worthy of your attention.
Many of the tweets that include #miscellaneousblogtips ride tandem with the #bloggingtips hashtag and other variations of it (i.e., #blogging, #blog, #mommybloggers, #blogpost, #problogging). The multi-hashtag generosity can be a bit overwhelming, so lurk around/stalk these two hashtags when you have some free time that you don’t mind frittering away…
For a Scrolling List of Blogging Opportunities, There’s #BloggersWanted: Here’s another intriguing hashtag I unearthed whilst researching this post. At first glance, the #bloggerswanted hashtag may seem to you like the craigslist of hashtags for bloggers. But opportunities to grow your blogging reach online are there if you look carefully enough.
I can’t guarantee that use of #bloggerswanted will result in paying gigs. The good stuff includes: guest-blogging pitches, communities for bloggers on other platforms (Mary Burris’s Bloggers Helping Bloggers Google+ community, the Bloggers Helping Bloggers group on LinkedIn, etc.), blogging tips, and more. Not bad. Not bad at all…
Are you a paid blogger? Do you run a blog as a way to promote your business online? If so, which of these hashtags do you frequent on Twitter? Of the blogging-related hashtags mentioned here that you already use, which are your favorites and why? What other hashtags related to blogging (that I didn’t mention in this post) are extremely helpful to you on Twitter?
Just remember: blogging doesn’t mean hogging the online airwaves, so please, share and re-tweet your fellow bloggers’ work generously…
Lori Shapiro is the owner of By All Writes LLC, a business-to-business (B2B) writing, editing, and research company in Marlton, New Jersey. She revels in shielding her clients from the pain of writing their own print or web marketing and educational copy. Please call Lori Shapiro at 856-810-9764 or email By All Writes LLC at for a no-obligation project quote today!