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South Jersey Spotlight: Lynette Davis, A & D Media

Ladies: If you'd rather not orchestrate your social-media campaigns, Lynette Davis of aplusdmedia is your go-to gal!
Ladies: If you’d rather not orchestrate your social-media campaigns, Lynette Davis of aplusdmedia is your go-to gal!

My enduring connection with Lynette Davis of A & D Media is proof that great business relationships can (and do) originate through social media. I will provide the necessary backstory.

Lynette and I quasi-stalked each other on Twitter way back in 2012. We connected on LinkedIn that same year (in September) before broaching the idea of a phone conversation. Our late-in-the-year discussion led to a face-to-face meeting by March 2013.

Yes, Lynette and I have always maintained our digital friendship on Twitter. But we recently reconnected in the real world, with help from a summertime PowerMatch powwow. Lynette has segued from general digital services into a more specialized niche. She now helps women coaches, authors, and speakers harness the promotional power of social media on the platforms that make sense for them.

Here is Lynette’s 4-1-1:

By All Writes: Why did you decide to start A & D Media? When did you found/start it?

Lynette Davis: I never really decided to “start” A & D Media. More than anything, I made a commitment to myself that I would pursue my definition of success and live that definition without apology, or die trying. And that meant there would no longer be room for any perpetual states of (being) “stuck” or rhetorically asking “who’s going to be responsible for my life?” ever again.

Thus, A & D Media became the manifestation of that commitment. I co-founded the company in 2011 with less than $200 and a (strategic) dream. It has since become a sole-proprietorship business.

BAW: What specific virtual-marketing and social-media services do you offer coaches, speakers, authors, and other potential clients?

LD: I primarily handle e-mail marketing and inbox management as well as content repurposing and CRM assistance (you know, the crucial follow-up after all those networking events and speaking engagements).

Many of my clients have tons of content in one asset or form: for example, a book. Author clients look to me to extract thought-leadership “nuggets” from their book(s) and make these chunks social-media compatible.

Intermittently, I have clients who are launching a special project–a virtual summit, a webinar, etc. I help these clients with the logistics of such virtual/digital events.

BAW: Who makes a good client for you?

LD: I enjoy working with established women leaders who know what they want and have a clear picture of whom they serve. They know how to deliver their services or products, but just can’t do it all alone anymore.

These are entrepreneurs whose inboxes are “on fire.” They have business cards flowing out of shoeboxes. They’re overwhelmed trying to keep up with social-media management (what to post and where to post it)!

My clients seek a partner for building their promotional success and the success of the people they happily serve. They prefer someone who understands the big vision–someone who can implement with both head and heart.

BAW: What is your ultimate “happy moment” when working with your clients?

LD: The best moments are when my clients see immediate results. They can finally focus on the work that only they can do, while I handle the tasks that take them away from their “unique superpowers” (i.e., what they set out to accomplish).

When a client says “I just got a sale from doing this Periscope video,” I’m happy. She schedules time to do that (live-streaming) video…share her brilliance…make an impact. I contribute to her having the space to do exactly that, and I’m proud of it!

BAW: If you could relocate A & D Media to anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?

LD: Technically, I operate a location-independent business. As long as there’s Wi-Fi, I can work anywhere. In fact, I’ve worked on Florida beaches as well as at steak houses in Texas…

In the near future, I aspire to work out of Canadian coffee shops. I’ve wanted to visit Ontario since childhood! Honestly though, I enjoy running a home-based business right here in South Jersey. It’s where I’m most comfortable…

BAW: What are your favorite books (or who are your favorite authors) to read, and why?

LD: Okay, so I’m probably going to throw your readers a curve ball, but I actually prefer reading fiction and comics in my spare time. I especially love a good science-fiction or fantasy novel. I don’t have any favorites, though. Unless it’s truly not my “cup of tea,” I generally enjoy what I read.

I’m currently reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series. So far, I’m enjoying my selections.


Are you a female coach, author, or speaker who has yet to master the promotional power of social media’s “alphabet soup?” In need of a professional to grow and support your digital presence whilst you do what you do best: serve your clients and/or readership?

To explore how Lynette Davis can cultivate your online footprint, please visit the A & D Media website. The best way to contact Lynette directly is by e-mail (info@aplusdmedia.com).

As a token of her digital affection, Lynette hopes you’ll check out A & D Media’s free Sanity-Saver Business Delegation Toolkit!

To forge an online connection with Lynette Davis of A & D Media, I encourage you to “stalk” her LinkedIn profile and/or her Twitter feed.

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6 Responses to South Jersey Spotlight: Lynette Davis, A & D Media

  1. Great piece, Lori. Thanks for sharing Lynette with the world. Lynette, may I recommend Moonheart by Charles DeLint? It’s urban fantasy set partially in OTTAWA and my favorite book of all time.